Toggle the policy to Enabled and set the default behavior to Do Not Execute Any AutoRun Commands.
Click on Set The Default Behavior For AutoRun.
Toggle the policy to Enabled and set Options to All Drives.
Under AutoPlay Policies, click Turn Off AutoPlay.
Under Computer Configuration, navigate to Administrative Templates > Windows Components > AutoPlay Policies.
Type gpedit and click on the Edit Group Policy option.
Want to disable AutoPlay and AutoRun at the Group Policy level? Here's how: Also switch AutoPlay defaults for removable drives and memory cards to Take No Action.
From this screen, toggle AutoPlay For All Media And Devices to Off.
Type in autoplay and click on the AutoPlay Settings option.
Press the Windows key or click the Windows icon in the lower-left corner of your desktop.
Need to disable AutoPlay on your Windows 10 machine? Here's how to do it: