
Windows 10 there are no power options available
Windows 10 there are no power options available

So far there are like zero issues, runs smooth. Windows Update just completed, and now (even after a few restarts) when I go to shutdown the computer it says "There are currently no power options available" when I try to shut down using the start menu. I tried everything from this page: registry, gpedit.msc, the tweak. You seem to have this Enabled, set it for Not Configured. I have uninstalled & reinstalled Settings several times, to no effect. In this article, we're going to look at two similar problems with Windows Power Options. About a week or so ago, I noticed that my laptop was no longer "waking up" after closing the lid. There are currently no power options available for some Windows users on a domain. Windows 10 windows 10 after may 2019 update (version 1903) : cannot shutdown the PC, There are currently no power options available Thread starter nhajji Start date share. Hello, I have Windows 10 Pro on a Surface Pro 3. When I try to shut down any of the computers I get "There Are Currently no Power Option Available", I went through all of the GPs and found nothing preventing the shutdown menu to show to the users. Hello, I have a Domain Environment with 200+ Windows 8/10 computers on it. HP Notebook PCs - Managing Power Options (Windows 10) This document is for HP and Compaq notebook computers with Windows 10. Technically, a power plan is a set of hardware and system settings that defines how power is used and preserved by your computer.

windows 10 there are no power options available windows 10 there are no power options available

It says 'There are currently no power options available'.

windows 10 there are no power options available

3] Select the Hardware and devices troubleshooter and then run it. Microsoft's recommended solution is to do a GPEdit, but as this is not an enterprise computer there are no group policies. I downloaded a lockdown browser for one of my remote college courses, and the first few times I used it I had no issues with it. I think this is the best Windows 10 concept I've seen.

Windows 10 there are no power options available